[–] northportage 84 points (+87|-3)  ago  (edited  ago)

When Jordan Peterson had his Google accounts shut off a few days ago, he found bottles of wine on his doorstep along with a note. It was from four Google employees who appreciated his work and were dissenting against SJW totalitarianism. They thanked him for his work and warned him to make alternate plans because this will get worse. He told us this; when the next bible lecture is uploaded you'll have the story.

It almost seems like Silicon Valley is the first communist Gulag of the 21 century western world. People with a conscience are already dissenting from within. That's encouraging, not every human soul will be brainwashed and turned into an Auschwitz guard.


[–] tendiesonfloor 26 points (+60|-34)  ago  (edited  ago)

human soul will be brainwashed and turned into an Auschwitz guard.

There's nothing wrong with Auschwitz or the people that guarded it. Your public school/TV/Google/pop culture brainwashing is showing.


[–] vastrightwing 22 points (+24|-2)  ago 

Reminds me of the bus of Jewish tourists that broke down going to Auschwitz/Birkenau. The driver finds a local farmer and explains his situation. The farmer thinks a moment. He then says, "I only have a small oven."


[–] MirrorMan 11 points (+12|-1)  ago 

All discussion on this site ceases to exist when people get triggered by Muh Holohoax! That red pill is a late game pill that does far more harm than good when outreaching to others with different opinions. I'm not saying don't talk about it, just refrain from jumping down people's throats. Provide your evidence without the personal insults.


[–] paracelsus23 8 points (+8|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

I had a lot of extended family in concentration camps. Some lived, some died. They were all Polish Christians. You can simultaneously believe that the Jews fabricate and embellish facts surrounding the holocaust for political and financial gain, and that the Germans hurt a lot of innocent people.


[–] northportage 3 points (+36|-33)  ago 

Oh for fucks sake


[–] ArcherMcTaco 8 points (+8|-0)  ago 

Don't accept that nothing can be done. Start calling congress and demand anti-trust and anti-monopoly action be taken against them and tell others to do the same. I'm tired of the excuse of it's a private business be used and then the alternatives mysteriously either get DDOS'd to oblivion, get shit tons of CP loaded on them or get astroturfed.


[–] blkadder 6 points (+6|-0)  ago 

Google contacted me to interview with them a few months ago. I told them no.


[–] solvire 5 points (+6|-1)  ago 

If they knew you were on here they wouldn't have.


[–] Shiggz 0 points (+1|-1)  ago 

Totally understandable but you don't change the world as a bitter outsider you change it as a tenacious but patient insider.


[–] Spectral 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

Any source for the claim he got contacted by google insiders? Im just curious


[–] tylahedras 50 points (+50|-0)  ago 

He's going to get fired. Because what he said about conservatism is true and google won't allow any opinion which hurts the feelings of the it's female employees.


[–] SargonX [S] 27 points (+27|-0)  ago 

Your probably right... I work in tech and believe me I don't share my political opinions.


[–] pinkmagnet 16 points (+16|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

You should share your opinions. I work in tech and I can tell you there are lots of people that don't share the (((propaganda))) opinion. I have found people at my work that browse /pol/, breitbart, zerohedge, etc... All you have to do is put feelers our there and I think you'll be surprised.

edit: if you have any gamers at your work try it out on them. Most that went through gamergate got red pilled in the process.


[–] Gumbatron 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

If you can, you should.

I played the "sex junk" clip for all the progressives at my work a while ago. The expressions in their faces were priceless. Went from skepticism to disbelief to outright disgust in a couple of minutes


[–] 1812-was-not-a-tie 24 points (+24|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

I am in a very similar position as that guy, a senior software engineer at another IT giant.

Most of us would not be devastated by getting fired, just inconvenienced. We have established careers and would easily get another well-paying job even if the economy was weak. Not to mention that any conservative who moved from Silicon Valley to a flyover state where he belongs ideologically would instantly become independently wealthy.

More importantly, firing software developers is not something you want to do without due cause. Much as we try to document our code and our processes, there is always a whole lot of consequential knowledge that lives only in our heads. A surprising amount of my work involves chasing down which dev knows why something is done some way. And often there's only one guy. We could re-create that knowledge in a couple of days of work, but that costs. I would imagine firing any one of us would create a couple of months of work. And it would compound the more people you fire. You can fire one guy, but when you start making it a habit you are really shooting yourself in the foot.


[–] ArcherMcTaco 5 points (+5|-0)  ago 

Don't accept that nothing can be done. Start calling congress and demand anti-trust and anti-monopoly action be taken against them and tell others to do the same. I'm tired of the excuse of it's a private business be used and then the alternatives mysteriously either get DDOS'd to oblivion, get shit tons of CP loaded on them or get astroturfed.


[–] boxofcrackers 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

We could re-create that knowledge in a couple of days of work, but that costs.

If we could. Remember how long it took Mozilla to get of the ground with the initial rewrite? Almost lost the browser war completely right there, right then.


[–] solvire 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

instantly become independently wealthy

You would have to explain that. I left LA to the midwest for a short period to get out and it's a shit show. Unless you have established passive income it's not happening. Rural america has gone to shit. They are druggies and alcoholics. I have access to data on the usage rates and it's worse than people realize. Middle USA is corrupt as shit. Don't fool yoursel.f.


[–] ConservativeDev 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

I try to make sure all developers get experience with every code base and demand standards for this reason. That being said, I've let two developers go who at one point we're the only devs in the org and documented nothing with little consequence. In my experience, developers worth their pay can figure out and document other's code with little trouble.


[–] senpaithatignoresyou 7 points (+7|-0)  ago 

Google has it's days numbered.

They are the GE of silicone valley, a Jack Welch GE but without the decades of brand loyalty and market saturation. They survived past 15 years because of political connections and hype.

Meanwhile they kept buying smaller companies that had good ideas, but bad problems. They kept buying conflicting company cultures and poor budgeting practices.

Google is dying, and they do not realize it.


[–] obvious_throwaway1 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

The entire Western World is dying.


[–] yuripie 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

can you show me number? google is dying? it's one company that's too big to fail


[–] northportage 0 points (+0|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

Watch the first five minutes of this videoYouTube, the part about Google and killer robots, I'm not sure letting the worst of us take over that organization is such a good idea.


[–] Diomedes1001 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I remember reading some similar document written by a google employee so it might be that, but as far as I can remember it was written anonymously, just signed as a senior google dev.


[–] Samchay6 23 points (+23|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

The person who wrote the document argued that the representation gap between men and women in software engineering persists because of biological differences between the two sexes, according to public tweets from Google employees. It also said Google should not offer programs for underrepresented racial or gender minorities, according to one of the employees I spoke to.

Men like facts. Facts are are often racist, misogynistic, and ableist. Facts do not stop being facts because they hurt your fucking feelings.

Welcome to Voat.


[–] jabba 7 points (+7|-0)  ago 

Google will eventually fail if they keep hiring worse engineers for some lofty diversity goal. So I say we let it happen


[–] Phuc_Dat_Bich 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 



[–] 10067093 20 points (+20|-0)  ago 

Lmfao. What are those marxists going to do when the white men who make their fucking job possible walk? No coattails to ride on anymore cunts. We are sick of carrying you.


[–] tendiesonfloor 16 points (+16|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

There are billions of weak-minded, brainwashed people to carry them. Make a conscious effort to look around the next time you're in public. I bet 50% of the people in your field of vision have their heads buried in their kikebook machines mindlessly scrolling away.


[–] DrShitlord 5 points (+5|-0)  ago 

Carry them in what way? Maybe financially, or ideologically. But we're talking about Google here, and even if they (ab)use their market share and market power, in the long run Google has to innovate because otherwise it will vanish like so many companies before them. You need the clever guys who make the products good and if you piss all of them off, you're gonna lose, no matter how much money and political support is given.

It's like having a rich government with a lot of people's support, but with enemies around the country and not a single citizen possessing the capability of effective defense.

We'll evolve out of that cultural marxist bullshit, but with many losses, as did the Eastern European people.


[–] JonReed 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

That's when we attack Google. Bring down there software little by little. Make them make changes to the code. They'll screw it up and it's all down hill from there


[–] Ywis 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

They'll hire more 23 year old brain washed kids looking for their start in the industry.

[–] [deleted] 18 points (+18|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)



[–] SargonX [S] 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

Yeah, but it shows there is a large group that is unhappy.


[–] hafen 3 points (+3|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

They are essentially just being critical of the "sentiment" which they can't even say for certain is unjustified or not.

Jordan Peterson often says that we're the unconscious exponent of a dead philosopher. For these people, I'd put an extra emphasis on unconscious. They've got no clue what the motive is of the puppetmaster that guides them.


[–] robertchan 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Here is the antidiversity manifesto. I can't find the raw document but here is the excerpts gizmodo published. http://archive.is/yhBFg


[–] derram 16 points (+16|-0)  ago 

https://archive.is/MqQTZ | :

Google Employee's Anti-Diversity Manifesto Goes 'Internally Viral' - Motherboard

"While the vast majority of Google employees did not support the document's arguments, some did."

'The document, which is the personal opinion of one senior software engineer, was shared on a company mailing list but has since gone "internally viral," according to a Google employee who spoke with Motherboard. '

'At least eight Google employees tweeted Friday about a document that was circulated within the company calling for replacing Google's diversity initiatives with policies that encourage "ideological diversity" instead. '

'The 10-page Google Doc document was met with derision from a large majority of employees who saw and denounced its contents, according to the employee. '

'It also said Google should not offer programs for underrepresented racial or gender minorities, according to one of the employees I spoke to. '

This has been an automated message.GIF


[–] DrWalterSobchak 18 points (+18|-0)  ago 

Vice seems to block automated archiving.

FIFY: https://archive.fo/Mc2Xf


[–] Mr_YUP 5 points (+5|-0)  ago 

Yea vice stopped allowing their articles to be archived about a month or so ago. Not to sure why but I'd suspect people were using their own articles against them. Really a bad move though because it showed their small mindedness


[–] tinyhousesbrah 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

It's okay, we can use screencaps.


[–] ranch-othelioma 10 points (+10|-0)  ago 

Uh oh. There's "shaking" in the tweet responses y'all. Some serious SJW action.


[–] vuke69 9 points (+9|-0)  ago 

Unintentionally proving that they are nothing but a liability in the workplace, and not emotionally mature enough to be trusted with any job of consequence.


[–] Rakosman 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

It amazes me how some people lack social awareness. A normal reaction (if you though he was completely off-base) would be "that guy's an asshole" and then going about your day.


[–] ConservativeDev 6 points (+6|-0)  ago 

Literally shaking. Have to take the week off work because I'm so offended. Let's get anyone who disagrees fired.


[–] heebykikeburger 10 points (+10|-0)  ago 

Oy vey dissenting opinions. It should be illegal to even think about not supporting diversity.


[–] kevdude 0 points (+1|-1)  ago 

I support diversity for Israel. They are the closest to Syria, they should take in all of the refugees.


[–] goatsandbros 6 points (+6|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

still shaking in anger

  1. Lol

  2. If you can't deal with mere opinions without getting that angry, you, personally, are inferior.


[–] SirDigbyChikenCaesar 6 points (+6|-0)  ago 

While the document itself contains the thoughts of just one Google employee, the context in which they were shared—Google is currently being investigated by the Department of Labor for its gender pay gap and Silicon Valley has been repeatedly exposed as a place that discriminates against women and people of color—as well as the private and public response from its workforce are important.

You call this a sentence?


[–] 0110001111 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

It's also completely untrue. Time and time again we see these companies bending over backwards to give minorities more money, more responsibility and better positions. FFS i know people in the field who are handed managerial positions simply for being black females. The only thing that can be done is canning the AA program, and telling these minority groups to get fucked


[–] Plague1 5 points (+5|-0)  ago 

By posting a direct link to motherboard, all we are doing is help draw attention to the witch hunt. And giving money to SJWs via page clicks and advertising. So hey, we're helping get the dude who wrote the article being talked about (but conspicuously absent from this trash journalism's article, meaning it was actually very persuasive and in no way, shape, or form actually offensive) and we're helping the dude get fired. Good job, voat.


[–] lissencarak 5 points (+5|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

OY VEY!!!!

Burn the heretic! Moishe, alert the others!

Shut it down!


[–] DrWalterSobchak 5 points (+5|-0)  ago 


[–] JonReed 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

At least eight Google employees tweeted Friday about a document that was circulated within the company calling for replacing Google's diversity initiatives with policies that encourage "ideological diversity" instead. The document, which is the personal opinion of one senior software engineer, was shared on a company mailing list but has since gone "internally viral," according to a Google employee who spoke with Motherboard.

Motherboard has not viewed the full document, but a screenshot we reviewed shows it's titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber." Descriptions of its contents were tweeted publicly by Google employees, and it was described in detail to me by a Google employee, who requested anonymity because of the company's notoriously strict confidentiality agreement. (A lawsuit against the company was filed in a San Francisco court last year over the company's "spying program" to prevent leaks.)

The person who wrote the document argued that the representation gap between men and women in software engineering persists because of biological differences between the two sexes, according to public tweets from Google employees. It also said Google should not offer programs for underrepresented racial or gender minorities, according to one of the employees I spoke to.

The 10-page Google Doc document was met with derision from a large majority of employees who saw and denounced its contents, according to the employee. But Jaana Dogan, a software engineer at Google, tweeted that some people at the company at least partially agreed with the author; one of our sources said the same. While the document itself contains the thoughts of just one Google employee, the context in which they were shared—Google is currently being investigated by the Department of Labor for its gender pay gap and Silicon Valley has been repeatedly exposed as a place that discriminates against women and people of color—as well as the private and public response from its workforce are important.

"The broader context of this is that this person is perhaps bolder than most of the people at Google who share his viewpoint—of thinking women are less qualified than men—to the point he was willing to publicly argue for it. But there are sadly more people like him," the employee who described the document's contents to me said.

At Google, "I feel like there's a lot of pushback from white dudes who genuinely feel like diversity is lowering the bar," a former engineering employee who wished to remain anonymous because they had signed a non-disclosure agreement told Motherboard.

Motherboard has independently confirmed with multiple Google employees that the document is being widely shared among many of the company's software engineering teams: "If I had to guess, almost every single woman in engineering has seen it," the current employee told Motherboard; a separate current employee told me it was being actively read by many employees. At several points on Friday night, the document was inaccessible because too many people were attempting to view it concurrently. Google did not respond to two requests for comment.

The document's author also wrote that employees with conservative political beliefs are discriminated against at Google and lamented about how "leftist" ideology is harmful. They argue that the company should have a more "open" culture where their viewpoint would be welcomed. The document said that improving racial and gender diversity is less important than making sure conservatives feel comfortable expressing themselves at work.

While the vast majority of Google employees did not support the document's arguments, some did. According to Dogan, who works on the company's Go programming language, the document's author was emboldened by some of the positive responses he got. "The author is now in contact with me explaining why he received supportive response," she tweeted. "If HR does nothing in this case, I will consider leaving this company for real for the first time in five years," she wrote in a threaded tweet.

"It's not worth thinking about this as an isolated incident and instead a manifestation of what ails all of Silicon Valley," the employee I spoke to who detailed the document's contents told me.

Google is currently wrapped up in a dispute with the Department of Labor over what an agency official testified are "systemic compensation disparities against women pretty much across the entire workforce." Another official told The Guardian in April that it had discovered "compelling evidence of very significant discrimination against women in the most common positions at Google headquarters."


[–] TasAirgicOk 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

You know what? Fuck you. Fuck your Political Correctness. Fuck your Multiculturalism. Fuck your Diversity. Fuck your race, gender, minority quotas. Fuck you. I do not care.


[–] ardvarcus 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Particularly since it's nothing but a mountain of lies.


[–] GODFREY1096 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

(((Google))) this is all you need to know.


[–] bagano1 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Spent 4 years around the worst liberals when I went to college.

They do not practice what they preach. They are still the rich, elitist assholes they were coming from rich enclaves in the United States. The others are weirdos who did too many drugs or are too stupid to understand that communism doesn't work.


[–] toav 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Google didn't get to where it is by forcing ideological diversity.

Bruce Jenner didn't become a gold medalist by becoming transgender.

[–] [deleted] 2 points (+3|-1)  ago 



[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I fully expect that one day the thought police will knock on my door just for being here.

I own guns that will shoot through doors and anyone standing behind them.


[–] Smaller 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

I really want that guy from the last tweets to really leave, there's no place for whiny people in the workplace.


[–] yuripie 1 points (+2|-1)  ago 

so to divide and conquer America, you only need to insult woman,


[–] lord_nougat 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Which one? She sounds like a bitchy fat cunt.


[–] Obama_BinLadin 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Meritocracy discriminates against women and people of color. The answer is to eliminate meritocracy, then things will be fair.


[–] GODFREY1096 1 points (+2|-1)  ago 

How Meany nigger computer programmers are there????


[–] SargonX [S] 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Its mostly Indians tthese days (not American Indians,but the kind from India)


[–] Neo-maxi-zoom-dweeby 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I have met 1 in 20 years of developmemt


[–] maakiankh 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

well, not enough ppl are sick :(


[–] tylahedras 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Here's a link containing the text of what he actually said


This is actually a really interesting and well thought out. Not surprised that people would trash him rather then try to counter his arguments when they are this strong.


[–] jerkwad152 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Judging by what the new "VP of Diversity, Integrity & Governance" had to say, they're going to get SJW propaganda rammed down their gullets whether they like it or not.


[–] 10076663 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I wonder if google screens people by their secret-life political ideology. I mean, most conservatives applying to tech keep that shit well hidden, but google knows everything about you, and if anyone could do it, it's google.


[–] voatusernamevoat 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Doubtful, odds are it's self released, calculated to counter rejection of their anti-free speech rules, it will calm some of the plebs from reacting negatively against jewgle.


[–] Shiggz 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Handful of coworkers have gone on to google. It used to be seen like the big leagues. Now it's like SJW purgatory, hot shots are going to other tech companies like Oracle.


[–] ginx2666 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

So vice is now a credible source?


[–] TheStapler 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Janna Dogan (a notable Golang contributor) makes the mistake of assuming she, as an outlier, represents the norm. It's just selfishness and a result of living in the bubbles of the tech industry and leftist cities.


[–] frankenmine -2 points (+0|-2)  ago 

Motherboard is corrupt and should be archived in the OP. It doesn't deserve our support. Please keep this in mind for future posts.

Also, please see:
